Tuesday, June 7, 2016

INF and Ram Ghat Church; in Leadership (II)

Tom Hale Adds:

From the beginning it was intended that church be independent of the mission that is be a truly Nepali church with its own leadership. The missionaries might help in teaching, translation, and other technical work, but overall theirs would only be a supporting role; all major decision would remain in the hand or Nepali believes.

There was a man who as much as any other has been used by God to built up the church not only on Pokhara but throughout Nepal and man was David Mukhiya. It was David who was instrument in leading many of the early band members to Christ, including Buddhi Sagar and Putali, on whose land the Ramghat Church began. It was David who baptized most of the Nepali band members, and then trained them for the Lord's work. And though David and his wife Premi were not on the first trekk into Nepal in 1952 because of Premi's pregnancy, they were in the following year, carrying all their earthly possessions on their backs, including their new baby; and for the next eight years David served as the main Pastor for that first ever Nepali church- Ramghat church.

For the first several years of the Ramghat church's existence, the membership consists only of NEB members. Here the Band had come in response to Jesus command to "make disciples of all nations', but where were the new disciples? All members of the Band were active in witnessing ti the local people; scores crowed into the little church to hear David preach and to listen to the singing. Patients and their relatives who had heard the Gospel at the Shining Hospital from Priscilla or Philip or one to the missionaries would also come to the church to learn more about this Living God who loved them and died for them. But still no true believers came forward.

The Christian in Pokhara labored for three years without seeing a 'conversion'. Their past was to show compassion to share the Gospel with whoever was interested, and to pray. And then, in His own time, God opened hearts. It is God Himself who establishes His church. He is pleased to use us as His helpers, but the real work is done by Him. 

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